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How to Install Surveillance Cameras Outside of the Home

Having surveillance cameras outside the house is an important consideration when you have security on your mind. Surveillance cameras are not just deterrents for would-be wrongdoers, they can also provide private investigators or law enforcement with vital information when conducting a case.

However, installing a surveillance camera outside the house is a different undertaking to installing one indoors. A camera that is outside will be exposed to very different conditions and will need certain features to help you or a private investigator later on.

Types Of Surveillance Cameras For Outside The House

Experienced private investigators consider certain factors when they choose surveillance cameras that are to be used outside. Since private detectives are experts in such things, these should be the same things that you consider. They include:

  • Coverage: Depending on the area you need under surveillance; private investigators recommend choosing cameras with a wide-angle lens to cover more space. This also reduces the number of cameras needed.
  • Video resolution: Private investigators also recommend cameras with a video resolution of at least 1080p. This ensures clearer images.
  • Night Vision: Many private detectives also recommend cameras with infrared technology to enable night vision. The camera can be more important when it's dark outside.
  • Dome or Bullet: These are the two main styles of surveillance cameras used. Private investigators recommend dome-style cameras since it's much harder for intruders to know which direction they're facing.
  • Wired or Wireless: If you want something that's easy to install, private detectives recommend wireless cameras. However, you'll need to check on the battery from time to time. A wired system will require professional installation.
  • Energy Saving Systems: Cameras that only turn on when they detect motion can save a lot of energy costs.

Reasons Why You Would Need Surveillance Cameras Outside Your Home

Surveillance cameras outside your house can be useful in several ways. For starters, they serve as a deterrent to potential intruders. Secondly, they can keep a record of all activities and any persons who come to your home.

In case something goes missing or there is another issue, you can have a private investigator use the footage to solve the case. A surveillance camera will also let you know who is at the door without you having to check in person. Some cameras can even alert you remotely if someone is outside your house.

Who Would Install The Surveillance Cameras?

Surveillance cameras require more than just a few screws and a wall. There are several factors to consider which is why a private investigator or some other surveillance expert should install your cameras.

Private investigators will ensure that your cameras are installed at the right spots to guarantee that there are no blind spots within the area being surveilled. Since some of the cameras may also need to be installed at certain heights, you'll need private investigators who have the right equipment for such jobs which can be risky.