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How Long Do Fraud Investigations Take?

A lot of people who must go down the road to conduct a fraud investigation ask the question, "how long does a fraud investigation take?". Fraud can come in many types of forms, from credit card fraud to benefit fraud. So, the type of fraud will play a role in the length of the investigation.

Even two case of credit card fraud, for example, could have different lengths of investigation depending on factors such as gathering proof, conducting interviews, and collecting any surveillance required.

How Long Can It Take?

Unfortunately, investigations into fraud do not have a standard length of time to be conducted in. Private investigators on the case may take only a few weeks to reach an outcome on a case. However, it is essential to keep in mind that cases can also take up to several months to finish.

The time period for the fraud investigation really depends on the complexity of the case. In case it is a simple case for the professional to get and gather information to reach the desired outcome, then it may take a shorter period.

However, only the private investigator will have a notion of how long it can take to complete a case. With all of this considered, it is crucial to have patience with the investigation procedures of the case and ensure that the private investigator has all your support on the inspection process.

Will Private Investigators Keep You Updated During The Investigation?

Private investigators will usually keep you informed as the case progresses throughout the entire investigation. This could be a weekly update, as arranged between you and the investigator, or a monthly one.

However, it is also important to understand that there may be some meetings in which the investigation process has not progressed since the last time. So, patience is an important factor to consider when wanting to constantly be updated with information during the entirety of the investigation procedure.

In case you wish to obtain further information or even hire a private detective to perform a fraud investigation, get in touch with Private Investigator on 0800 061 4397 or send an email at

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