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What Is Asset Location Services?

Asset location services refer to various activities that can be undertaken by a private investigator to find assets whose location or existence is unknown. There are many ways that assets can go missing. When this happens, it may be important for you to find out where these assets are, especially if you have a claim to a share of these assets.

There are no public investigators who can carry out this type of search for you. Therefore, you'll probably need to hire a private investigator to help you in your search.

Why Would You Need A Private Investigator To Locate Assets?

There are several situations that will require you to start a trace for missing or hidden assets. These include:

  • When you're going through a divorce and you suspect your spouse has money or property hidden away
  • When the owner of a company or business is claiming bankruptcy and they owe you a substantial amount of money
  • A relative has passed on and you believe they may have assets that are not accounted for in the will etc.

In such situations, you have a legal right to find out about all the assets that a person owns. If you fail to find out about such assets, the assets could go unclaimed or unused for years. In other cases, someone else could be unfairly profiting from these assets that you may be entitled to.

How Are Asset Location Services Performed By Investigators?

There are many ways for private investigators to find out about hidden assets.

Some of the activities that a detective may perform include:

  • Carrying out a background check on a person: Understanding where a person has been, who they've been with and what they've been up to can give investigators an idea of what assets they have and where/how they've hidden them.
  • Going through public records: There are many activities that have to be entered into public records. For example, the purchase of land is usually recorded in the HM land registry.
  • Computer investigations: A person's computer may have information about assets he may have purchased or hidden somewhere. Additionally, a social media search may reveal the individual in a new location that may betray the location of the hidden asset.
  • Surveillance: In some cases, it might be necessary to follow someone to find out about hidden assets.
  • Financial background check: The type of financial transactions carried out by a person may reveal certain information e.g. phoney transactions.

Why Is PrivateinvestigatorCoUk A Great Choice For Asset Location Services?

At, you won't just get any other private investigators, you'll find detectives who are uniquely qualified to track down assets that are hidden or unaccounted for. These investigators are able to do this because:

  • They have the skills: It takes a specially trained investigator to know how to analyse financial and personal documents and uncover hidden assets.
  • They are experienced: After many years of uncovering hidden assets, these private detectives had developed a keen sense of knowing where and how to look for such assets.
  • They are fast: If you need people who can uncover information quickly, these investigators are who you need on your side.
  • They're thorough: The investigators leave no stone unturned to find out what assets might be hidden.
  • All the work is done within legal and ethical boundaries: Breaching this can affect your claim to such assets etc.