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Where Are Assets Best Located?

Not everyone keeps well-detailed records of the assets they have and how well those assets are doing. By the time many people die, they may own thousands of pounds in assets that they're unaware of. This can make things a little difficult for family members when the time comes to start the process of asset division.

This doesn't even factor in the added difficulty of finding such assets if the deceased was intentionally trying to hide them. This is why many people in such situations hire private investigator asset tracing services to help them locate these assets.

How Are Assets Located By Private Investigators?

Locating of assets requires a great deal of skill and tenacity. Some individuals, e.g. those going through a divorce, can put a lot of effort into hiding certain assets. This is why hiring experts with asset tracing experience can be an excellent idea.

In order to locate assets, it will be necessary to go through a person's personal documents and also some official ones. These documents can provide a clue about the existence of assets that you may not be aware of. For example, payments that are coming in fairly regularly could mean there is an income generating asset somewhere. Payments being made regularly could be to an insurance policy or a mortgage.

To locate these assets, it will be necessary to follow the trail that has been set. However, before that, you'll need to have the know-how to know the signs that point towards hidden assets.

Other Methods that can be used to find such assets include:

  • Locating deeds
  • Motor vehicle title searches
  • Utility records
  • Motor vehicle registrations
  • Corporation filings etc.

Types Of Assets That Can Be Located By Private Investigators

There are different types of properties that might be hidden such as:

  • Lands and buildings
  • Business entities
  • Fine art
  • Motor vehicles
  • Investments e.g. bonds, shares etc.
  • Trusts
  • Company shares
  • Corporate interests overseas
  • Insurance and pensions etc.

Private investigators can be used to locate most of these assets. However, there are certain limits when it comes to looking into these assets.

For example, private investigators can't look into bank accounts. This is due to legal restrictions that require either the consent of the customer, a subpoena, a court order, a search warrant or some other formal demand. There are a few other exceptions but none allow private investigators to access this information. Therefore, even if a private investigator can establish the existence of such an account, they can't get information about it.

What About Assets Held In Other Countries?

Locating or proving the ownership of assets held in other countries is one of the more challenging aspects of recovering assets. Different countries have different laws with regards to such assets, and some countries can be very secretive or have poor records as far as certain assets are concerned.

However, there are ways of getting around these in some cases. Private investigators can work with the authorities and other private investigators in that country to uncover such assets and see how they can be recovered.

How Can Private Investigators Help In Tracing Assets?

To locate hidden assets, you'll need to know how to spot the signs that there is a hidden asset, to begin with. Many people have passed away and much of their property remains unclaimed simply because the family members haven't spotted the signs that the bereaved had other assets somewhere.

Private investigators have the skills and knowledge required to identify possible hidden assets, and they also know what is needed to track down these assets. Whether it's searching public records, doing a background check, researching the deceased's financial background or doing a detailed computer investigation, they have the tools needed to aid your search.